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Austfjorden is the eastern branch of  Wijdefjord, the western branch is called Vestfjorden.
In this the fjord the trapper lives, where Heleen v.d. Laan spend one winter.

You can read her story in the book: 'When the Light comes'.

'Heleen van de Laan is nineteen when she joins the cruiseship PLANCIUS as a cooksmate. On Spitsbergen gives up her job and moves in with the trapper of Austfjordneset. It freezes 40 degrees, for months the polenight got his grip on the little hut.'

There is also a movie made after the book: 'When the light comes'
When I bought the video in Longyearbyen, the lady who sold this to me said she did not agree how Heleen represented the situation, book or film. This lady knows the trapper personally. She think's it is not fair just to step into someone's life and expect he will conform himself to your wishes.

ISBN 90 245 0984 X

More information about the movie you will find here.