The Flora of Spitsbergen is surprisingly varied.
For example there are 5 different species of trees (four are Willows the fifth is the
little Dwarf Birch). Although they are trees, they stay very short, the tallest
plant some is grass which reaches a maximum height of 30 cm. In this scenery you will often find the grass higher than the trees!
Because the summer is so short, there is almost no time for the plants to make seed. Most of the plants propagate by stolons or rhizomes.
Papaver dahlianum |
Saxifraga hieracifolia |
Cerastium arcticum |
Ranunculus nivalis |
Saxifraga oppostifolia |
Draba |
Cassiope tetragona |
Saxifraga cespitosa |
Saxifraga cespitosa |
Saxifraga cespitosa |
Dryas octopetala |
Dryas octopetala |
Saxifraga oppostifolia |
Saxifraga oppostifolia |
Stellaria hunifusa |
Papaver dahlianum |
Papaver dahlianum |
Papaver dahlianum |
Papaver (mutation) |
Salix polaris |
Minuartia rubella |
Draba |
Saxifraga cespitosa |
Mertensia maritima |
Mertensia maritima |
Ranunculus nivalis |
Saxifraga platysepala |
Saxifraga platysepala |
Erigeron humilis |
Cerastium arcticum |
Pedicularis dysantha |
Coclearia officinalis |
Silene acaulis? |
Silene acaulis |
Silene acaulis |
Salix polaris |
Calamagrostis stricta? |
Deze foto's zijn gemaakt door Michelle
van Dijk © en mogen niet zonder toestemming worden over genomen.
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